Tiny Umbrella

Tiny Umbrella 9,1/10 870 votes

3 TinyUmbrella Won’t Work on Windows. If TinyUmbrella fails to work on your Windows system, here’s what you can do. Disable your anti-virus and Windows Defender and then make sure that you have installed the latest version of iTunes and Java on your Windows system. You should also run the program in compatibility mode. ‘Coast Modern’ by Coast Modern - Available Everywhere. Listen here: Follow Coast Modern! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com.

As one of the most recognizable iOS software, TinyUmbrella is revered for its ability to help users downgrade their iOS systems by bypassing the Apple Servers. In this way, it is also a good program to help you get out of some of the problems you may experience with your iOS device.

But TinyUmbrella is not without its own problems. In this article we are going to be looking at some of the most common ones and provide you with solutions. We are also going to show you how you can easily fix any issue with your iOS system (even the latest iOS 14) without using TinyUmbrella.

Common Issues with TinyUmbrella and How to Fix Them

The following are just some of the problem TinyUmbrella users face and how you can fix them.

1 Unable to Validate Libraries

This happens a lot. The program doesn’t load or displays the “Unable to Validate Reticulating Splines” message. If this is what you encountered, here’s what you can do to fix it.

Step 1: Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C: Users/Your User Name/. shsh/. cache/

Step 2: Delete the Lib-Win.jar file you find there and then download a new Lib-Win.jar file.

Step 3: Once the file has been downloaded, place it in the same place it was previously (C: Users/Your User Name/. shsh/. cache/) When you open TinyUmbrella, it should be able to work now.

2 TinyUmbrella Won’t Open

If you try to open TinyUmbrella and it just won’t launch, here’s what you can do to fix it.

Step 1: Open the registry editor and click “Start” and type “regedit.” Press enter.

Step 2: Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareJavaSoftPrefscomsemaphore and then double-click on '/S/A/V/E_/D/I/R/E/C/T/O/R/Y.

Step 3: Enter the path of your SHSH files (if you don’t know it, delete the entry) and the program should launch just fine.

3 TinyUmbrella Won’t Work on Windows

If TinyUmbrella fails to work on your Windows system, here’s what you can do.

Disable your anti-virus and Windows Defender and then make sure that you have installed the latest version of iTunes and Java on your Windows system. You should also run the program in compatibility mode.

Alternative to TinyUmbrella: iMyFone Fixppo

As the above solutions clearly demonstrate, if you are unfortunate enough to experience problems when using TinyUmbrella, the solutions can be challenging for the average user. Therefore, if you simply want to fix your iOS system as quickly as possible, you may need a simpler alternative. This alternative is iMyFone Fixppo and the following are just some of the features that make it ideal for you.

iMyFone Fixppo

Key Features:

  • It can be used to fix just about various issue you may be having including a device that is stuck on the Apple Logo, a device stuck in recovery mode or one that is stuck on a black or white screen.
  • It is easy to use. In just a few minutes and a few easy steps, you can fix your iOS device and have it working normally again.
  • None of the data on your device will be at risk of alteration by using the standard mode.
  • It is compatible with common iOS device and versions of iOS, including the latest iOS 14.

Fix iOS Issues and Restart iDevice using iMyFone Fixppo

Follow these very simple steps to have your device working normally again.

Step 1: Download and install the program to your computer and connect your iOS device to the computer. From the main window you will find 3 modes to choose: Standard mode, Advanced mode and One click to exit recovery mode mode. Select the standard mode to continue.


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Step 2: You'll need to put your device into DFU mode or Recovery mode. Follow the screen to set it. Once your device has set into DFU or Recovery mode successfully, the program will recognize your device and proceed to 'Download Firmware' screen automatically.

Step 3: You may need to download the latest firmware to fix the device. The program will detect the latest firmware automatically and offer it to you. You just have to click “Download” and then wait for the download process to be completed.

Step 4: Once the latest firmware has been downloaded, the program will proceed to fix the faulty iOS automatically. The entire process shouldn’t take too long. Once it’s done, you should see a message that the device has been fixed and is now working normally.

TinyUmbrella is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal. It was a tool that we once used for downgrading iOS firmware to an earlier version, mainly for the purpose of installing a jailbreak.

Content Summary

  • 8 How to Fix TinyUmbrella Not Working:

What is TinyUmbrella?

TinyUmbrella has many uses other than downloading Cydia. TinyUmbrella can be used for fixing iOS devices stuck in Recovery mode, fixing iTunes Error 3194 and more.

Download TinyUmbrella App:

The good news is, TinyUmbrella works on Mac OS and on Windows 7 through 10. Do make sure that you are running an up to date version of Java on your computer before you start, TinyUmbrella needs it to work.

Let’s dive in:

Click on the links below to download TinyUmbrella on your Windows or Mac computer:

It’s that simple

Later, we’ll be telling you how to use it but first

How TinyUmbrella Works:

Whenever you update your iPhone or iPad, a small piece of data is saved onto your device. This is the SHSH blob, and it contains information that relates to the firmware and your specific device. TinyUmbrella is used to save these SHSH blobs into an external file.


Because Apple only gives you a week to downgrade your device after you update it and, once that time is up, those SHSH blobs are wiped from your device. No SHSH blob, No Downgrade. By saving your blobs, you can then use TinyUmbrella to turn them into custom firmware for the relevant iOS version and, using iTunes, allows you to downgrade.

Cool, isn’t it? Let’s move on.

TinyUmbrella App Features:

TinyUmbrella is so simple to use and has many great features:

  • It’s free
  • Brand new interface for easier navigation
  • All iOS devices detectable and details saved in an external file
  • To remove a device, locate it in the app history and right click on it
  • TinyUmbrella will automatically detect and save SHSH blobs
  • All blobs saved into one file
  • iOS 7 through iOS 12 supported

We’re not done yet

TinyUmbrella has so many uses:

Fix Recovery Mode:

While it is easy to get your device into recovery mode, it isn’t always easy to get out if it. TinyUmbrella can help you without you having to restore your device and lose everything. Check out the link below for more information.

Save SHSH Blobs:

The SHSH blobs are what you use to downgrade your iPhone or iPad and saving them is simple with TinyUmbrella. Click the link to find out how:

Wait, there’s more

Downgrade iPhone and iPad:

There are a few reasons why you might want to do this and, with TinyUmbrella, you are not tied to when Apple says you can do it. Find out how to do it anytime by clicking the link:

Moving on

How to Fix TinyUmbrella Not Working:

Most people have found TinyUmbrella to work smoothly, but some have found a problem with it. Users on Mac OS have found that either TinyUmbrella won’t open or, if it does, it just crashes immediately. Usually, there are error messages – one says “TinyUmbrella.app is Damaged” and another will ask you to sign in and this will require your Apple ID.

Annoying, isn’t it?

Don’t worry because these are simple to fix. The problem lies in the app security certificate; it has most likely expired and this is down to the DRM, not anything you have done.

Here’s how to fix these errors:

TinyUmbrella.app is Damaged:

It tends to be the more recent Mac OS X versions that this happens on:

  1. Reboot your Mac and try again; this may remove the error
  2. If not, delete TinyUmbrella
  3. Reinstall it and try again – it should all work correctly now

Fix Sign In To Use the Application:

This affects the older Mac OS X versions:

  1. Close the popup message telling you to sign in
  2. Reboot your Mac
  3. Open the Mac App Store and sign in using your Apple ID – this will authenticate your computer and all your apps
  4. Relaunch TinyUmbrella, and you should find it works just fine

Now things get a bit more complicated

Kill Mac Processes:

Another way of fixing errors is to kill off the storecountd processes, and this means going into Activity Monitor. Another way requires you to use a Terminal window on your Mac. If you are confident enough to do this, open a terminal and type in the following command:

Sudo killall -v storeaccountd

Mac OS runs two processes for this – root and user. Both are killed off with this one command.

Still got questions?

Frequently Asked Questions:

Then we’ll provide the answers

  • What Does SHSH Mean?

SHSH stands for Secure Signature Hash. It is a unique key, just a tiny bit of data that holds info about your firmware and device.

  • Why Do We Need Them?

They are the only way to downgrade your device outside of the time period that Apple allows – usually a week after a firmware is released.

  • What Is TinyUmbrella Used For?

This useful tool is used for several purposes – saving SHSH blobs, turning them into custom IPSW files, fixing recovery mode and much more besides. It’s main purpose though is to help you downgrade your iPhone or iPad.

  • I Get a “You Are Too Late” Message – why?

Two reasons – one, you may be trying to save SHSH blobs for a firmware that is no longer being signed by Apple and, two, you may not have enabled the Request SHSH from Cydia option. Check and enable it now.

Bear with me

  • Why Can’t I See My SHSH Blobs in Cydia?

Cydia creates a home page cache and refreshes it but it doesn’t do it very regularly. If you don’t see your saved SHSH blobs in Cydia, go to TinyUmbrella and check – if it says they are in Cydia, you’ve nothing to worry about. Just wait for Cydia to refresh again

  • I Am Running iOS x.x.x on My iPhone – Can I Restore all My Other iOS Devices to That Version?

You must save SHSH blobs while they are still being signed by Apple; if you don’t then you cannot restore to that firmware. Get into the habit of using TinyUmbrella every single time you update your device to use the blobs on all devices.

  • Why Does TinyUmbrella Need Java?

Tiny Umbrellas Wine

TinyUmbrella is written in Java and can only work with Java; it is one of the most straightforward programming languages for applications that are more complicated and it will run on multiple platforms. You must run the latest version of Java to avoid Java errors as the one shown below.

  • SHSH, Blob or Signature?

Any one of them. All three of these are interchangeable – a blob holds the data in the SHSH, the SHSH is the data sequence that represents a hash of all the files in your firmware file and, collectively, when Apple signs the firmware, they are known as a signature.

Keep reading, there’s more

  • Why Does TinyUmbrella Require Admin Privileges?

For two reasons, both of which require admin privileges. The first is so that the app can modify the Mac or Hosts file and second, it needs Port 80 on your Mac or PC for listening.

  • What Is the Hosts File?
Tiny umbrella song

Nothing more than a simple file that maps hostnames to the relevant IP addresses.

  • TinyUmbrella Can’t Listen on Port 80 Or It Says it Needs a PID File Killing off. What Do I Do?

This is a common occurrence and it isn’t all that easy to fix. Here are the steps:

  • Windows:
  1. Click on Start>Run
  2. Type MSC in the box and press Enter
  3. Look for an app in the list that is running on port 80 and stop it
  4. Download TinyUmbrella for Windows
  • Mac:
  1. Open System Preferences>Sharing
  2. Disable Web Sharing
  3. Stop all programs that use Port 80
  4. Open a terminal window and type sudo lso -I :80 grep LISTEN
  5. If an app starts up, type in sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -I :80 grep LISTEN awk ‘{print $2})
  6. Download TinyUmbrella for Mac
  • How Do I Save My SHSH Blobs in Cydia:

Provided you enabled the option for Request SHSH from Cydia in Tiny Umbrella, all SHSH requests will be sent via Cydia and all saved blobs are in Cydia too. However, due to security issues, you cannot force Cydia to save older SHSH blobs.

  • I Get a 255 Error Showing in console.app on my Mac – What Do I Do?

Tiny Umbrella Cnet

This error causes TinyUmbrella to crash and it is all because of a lack of permissions. Fix it like this:

Tiny Umbrella
  1. Open a Terminal and type sudo chown – R $USER ~ sudo chmod – R u+rw~
  2. Now reinstall TinyUmbrella and it will work

And we’re done


Tiny Umbrella Amazon

Give it a go

Tiny Umbrella Mac

TinyUmbrella app is one of the most useful tools ever, and you should be using it every time you update your iOS device firmware. Check out all the other links to see what other cool stuff TinyUmbrella can do and follow the developers on Facebook for all the latest app updates.

Tinyumbrella Download

Additional Information:

App Name:
Microsoft Windows
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