Witcher 3 Points Of No Return
There are a lot of moving parts in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Aside from the various game concepts one must master to navigate through the Northern Realms, the fates of numerous main characters must be considered. Whether it’s the Baron, Emperor, Keira Metz or Letho, your decisions have a major impact on the people you meet and interact with in the game. Of course, your choices will alter the endgame for the two main protagonists, Ciri and Geralt.
Updated by Madison Lennon on February 6, 2020: With so many people revisiting The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt right now thanks to the popularity of the Netflix television show that released recently, we thought now would be a good time to return to this list and update it with a few more abilities that would be extremely beneficial for you to level up. The Witcher 3 Master of the Arena: Collect your rewards (Image credit: CD Projekt Red) With the spectre gone, Gunnar and Lydrik will give you 15 Crowns for your trouble and ask you to return later.
Today we’re going to talk about the different ways things can turn out for these heroes, and what you need to do to get the ending you want. Of course, this means major spoilers lie ahead, so if you are looking to be surprised at the end of the journey, you might consider visiting The Witcher 3 Walkthrough and continuing your journey from there.
Major Choices – Fate of the Swallow
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt; Point of no return - a spoiler sensitive guide to get the best ending in The Witcher 3 SpaceInsomniac.
- Witcher 3 Point of no return? I have been playing this on the ps4 and I am like one or two missions into skellige and I am wondering if and when there is a point of no return and will I know when I get there is there is one. Save hide report.
There are three ways Ciri’s story can turn out in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. One of them is awesome, one is OK and the third is something we’re pretty sure you’ll want to avoid. Well, unless you hate Ciri, in which case this might be your preferred route.
Determining Ciri’s fate depends on five key choices. Each of these results in either a positive or negative reaction from Ciri. If you get more positives than negatives, you end up with one of the better conclusions.
Note: During the main quest, Blood on the Battlefield, Ciri will ask Geralt to go with her to fight Imlerith. If you agree to go you will not be able to unlock the Ciri is Empress ending, and you will not see the second choice. You can, however, still end up with a positive outcome.
- While completing the Blood on the Battlefield main quest, Ciri will ask Geralt how to manage her negative mood. You can choose to have a snowball fight with her (+1), or you can tell her that she doesn’t have to be good at everything (-1).
- During the Father’s Day main quest, the Emperor will attempt to pay Geralt for bringing Ciri to him as they agreed. Geralt can refuse payment (+1), or he can accept it (-1). Refusing payment results in Ciri being proud of Geralt.
- While completing the Final Preparations main quest, Geralt can allow Ciri to speak with the Sorceresses on her own (+1), or he can go with her and speak on her behalf (-1). The latter will cause Ciri to lose confidence in herself.
- The Child of the Elder Blood main quest will see Ciri angry and determined to ransack the laboratory of Avallac’h. You can allow her to do this (+1) or you can tell her to calm down (-1). The former will help strengthen her resolve.
- Also during Child of the Elder Blood, Ciri will tell Geralt she wants to travel to the grave of a boy who saved her. You can agree to go with her (+1), or tell her that there is no time (-1). The second option will cause Ciri’s spirit to weaken.
Ending #1 – Ciri is Dead?
This ending doesn’t necessarily mean Ciri is dead, but it’s the worst of the three options if you want to see her healthy and happy. It is unlocked if you complete the Something Ends, Something Begins I main quest, which is triggered if you end up with more negative responses than positive. The fact that her fate is unknown leads us to wonder if we heard that last from Ciri.
Ending #2 – Ciri is Empress
We call this ending the middle ground, and it is only possible if you went to see the Emperor during the Blood on the Battlefield main quest. This will unlock the Something Ends, Something Begins II main quest, which also requires you have more positive choices than negative regarding Ciri. You must also ensure that Radovid is dead, and that you sided with Roche and Thaler.
Ending #3 – Ciri is Alive
The first requirement that must be met for this ending is that you cannot have gone to see the Emperor during the Blood on the Battlefield main quest. This would have left you with only four choices regarding the Fate of the Swallow, so making sure you have more positive than negative is key. Meeting these conditions will allow you to complete Something Ends, Something Begins III.
When you’ve settled on an ending and completed each of the main quests, there will still be a laundry list of things you have to complete in the Northern Realms. For starters, you might want to Learn to Play Gwent somewhere along the line, and if that’s not your thing, you could always, busy yourself by diving into The Witcher 3 Contracts. Either way, there’s a lot more for Geralt to see and do before his journey ends.
Beginner’s tips on how to spend your first ability points in the game.
Ability Points are used to boost Geralt's arsenal and skills in The Witcher 3. Knowing which perks to unlock in the early hours of the game can be the difference between feeling like a world-beater and finding yourself constantly dying at the hands of low-level wolves and Drowners. Below is a list of quick tips on how to spend your hard earn points early on in the game.

Don't bother with alchemy
Improving your alchemy doesn't really serve much benefit early on in the game. Considering much of your early focus will be on combat and wanting to improve basic sword and sign skills, trying to upgrade toxicity and bomb-aiming perks doesn't really help. Stick with improving other areas of Geralt's skill set first, then worry about his brewing abilities later.
Try to colour code with Mutagens
Witcher 3 Final Preparations Point Of No Return
Mutagens, when combined with abilities of the same colour, can provide an extra boost to your perks. The first boss in the game, the Griffin, gives you a green Mutagen, which grants +50 health. Alchemy is the matching perk which would be boosted by this Mutagen, but as stated above, alchemy isn't a priority earlier on in the game, so spend your points elsewhere and just take the minor health bump.
Trying to match your perk layouts with matching Mutagens will help further your setup.
Improving the Axii Sign helps outside of combat, too
Upgrading the Delusion perk under the Axii branch will allow you to sway people's minds during conversations. Some NPCs will require at least level one in this perk in order to have Axii cast on them, should you choose to go full Jedi mind trick on them, so this may make your travels easier, too.
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Don't spread yourself too thin
Witcher 3 Points Of No Returns
Each ability can have around five or so points sunk into it before it is fully mastered. Try not to spread yourself too thin by putting each new ability point earned into a different perk as you won't really feel a big benefit until you add at least the third point into one skill.
Remember, you can only equip three abilities first
To back up the point above, it's worth remembering that you can only equip three abilities at the start of the game. The next three ability slots are unlocked at levels six, eight and 10 respectively, so again: pick a few perks you want to focus on before branching out once you reach higher levels.
Abilities in the General tab are worth investing in early
Sun and Stars (recover health during the day, stamina at night), Survival Instinct (immediate +500 to health) are two great perks to try and get a hold of early, especially if you're having trouble getting to grips with combat. However, if you prefer to have a quick meditation session after fights, then you can hold off on Sun and Stars until a little later on your journey.
The Cat, Bear and Griffin School Techniques perks aren't beneficial while you're constantly changing your armour set. Each perk boosts your light, medium and heavy armour respectively, but because you'll be wearing a combination of all three, these perks don't justify taking up a slot.
Witcher 3 Points Of No Return Policy
You can respec your abilities, eventually
Witcher 3 Battle Preparations Point Of No Return
There is a potion sold by few merchants and NPCs in the game that allows you to reset your allocated Skill Points. The Potion of Clearance is a green bottle in a merchant's list of items. It's worth buying this every time you see it available and keeping hold of it until you have a bunch of ability points and are settled on a play style before re-allocating them. The potion is sold by Keira Metz, and is also available from a merchant in Novigrad. There may be more available in the game, too, but we haven't stumbled across these yet.